Friday, July 19, 2013

Blockbuster's Fun-eral

Monument in honor of Blockbuster
So during these last couple of months every Blockbuster around me has closed due to the fact that they're broke. Maybe I'm the only person that went there, idk but I am sure that I will miss it. I'm not a big Hulu, Netflix, Red Box enthusiast, so when I found out that they were having clearance sells, after weeping for a while, I went and bought every movie I could. The photograph at the right depicts the absurd quantity of movies that I purchased. It was sort of a bittersweet thing, I felt like a vulture but if I didn't buy them, some other person that probably didn't value them as much, would. These movies were purchased from several stores and...not all of them are in the photograph, those were just some I had on my desk. Hah? But in all seriousness I don't know how I'll cope with this situation, I spent a lot of time there, I liked the concept of wandering along the isles and stumbling upon movies you've never seen before, movies with which you might fall in love with. That's how I found a lot of movies that ultimately have become my favorites. It may sound like I'm over analyzing this mundane activity but it upsets me to see it gone. Sometimes the most ordinary things are the best. I have to go now...I have to make a Hulu account or ya l8tr...  

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